Seems a bit odd?? Yeah??
This is going to be short too!
Hey guys! So I decided to be a bit spontaneous and do something quite different. So let’s hit it
Yes! You saw that right! So we definitely must have watched the popular movie of the “unsinkable Titanic ship” atleast once. I watched it again recently, but this time I took note of some important lessons I’m going to be sharing with you guys. *sips tea*
1. DO NOT MESS WITH GOD! Now this one goes out to two categories of people. (a)Those who know God, because they should know better (I mean you know there’s no limit to what he can do, so you can’t be going on talking about “how even God can’t sink your stupid ship”, because he did alright! Ouch, I wonder how stupid they felt…right they couldn’t feel nothing because they were probably dead😂 #sad) (b)Those who don’t know God, Because they don’t know the extent of his greatness so don’t say nothing.
2.Be a clock! Make each second count, I mean literally🌚 (see what I did there? Lol, crazy) learn to live each moment like it’s your last. Live, laugh, love, explore, have a drink, do things that make you happy, I mean CARPE DIEM!
3. Not everyone living a fancy life actually has a perfect life so don’t be quick to idolize. You may even be way happier and much more fulfilled than them. Learn to love your little!
4. Don’t be afraid to go for what you want. Chase your dreams, tell that girl how you feel! You have just one life to live so you might as well make a good use of it.
5. Self confidence is wonderful, but be careful lest it leads to pride, and you know what they say about pride…
6. Learn to love like it feeds your lungs with oxygen. Love truly and deeply.
7. Learn to appreciate the littlest of things, for they are usually more precious than the things we esteem of great value. So from simple moments spent with loved ones, to the gift of life, to the fact that we have to eat and drink and we can smile.
That’s it guys! Hope you enjoyed reading. Make sure to keep following up the blog and dropping your comments , okay??
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