Cry, laughter, worry, love, anguish, jealousy, the feeling of neglect. These are feelings associated with emotions we are familiar with. There are more, of course. And while we may not have the right words to describe them sometimes, the feeling of any is not new to anyone at all.
Emotions, according to Wikipedia, is any conscious experience characterized by intense mental activity and a high degree of pleasure or displeasure. While these emotions occur almost naturally, it is important to find out how we manage them; the bad ones, especially.
I had a chat with a friend, who fondly refers to himself as my elder brother, about certain life issues. Emotions was a fundamental term (wink). The summary of that discussion was “one who does not know how to be a master of his emotions will end up being vulnerable”. Though he spoke about this in relation to the male gender, I think it applies to all.
Vulnerability, here, refers to the chances of transferring pent up “aggression” or frustration from a bad emotion. And frankly, we find this happening in our day-to-day lives. Someone gets us upset or sad and we transfer the pent up anger or frustration to an innocent person — sibling, colleague, spouse, friend — who may get upset and sulk or transfer again to someone else. At the end of the day, it’s an entire cycle of nasty emotions flying about and it often ruins a day that would have gone beautifully.
The question, therefore, is: How do you deal with these emotions but first how well do you understand them.

Understand Your Emotions
Look within and try to pinpoint the situations that are creating the stress and negative emotions in your life.

  • Negative emotions can come from a triggering event: an overwhelming workload, for example.
  • Negative emotions are also the result of our thoughts surrounding an event; the way we interpret what happened can alter how we experience the event and whether or not it causes stress.

The key job of your emotions is to get you to see the problem, so you can make necessary changes.
Now what do you think we should change?

Change What You Can
Cut down on your stress triggers and you’ll find yourself feeling negative emotions less frequently.

This could include:

  • Cutting down on school or job stress.
  • Learning the practices of assertive communication (so you don’t feel trampled by people).
  • Changing negative thought patterns. Do you think you are free from those emotions taunting you? If no,deal with it(your emotions )

Deal With Your Emotions 
I am a firm believer of the fact there is no one way of tackling an issue. While someone may say “be positive and calm and do not let things get to you”, it is difficult! You really can’t beat a child and expect him not to cry. However, while you cannot tell the child not to cry, you can control how long he cries for. It is important to deal with these to avoid a spiral of negative emotions which may affect people around us.
I continuously had problems finding ways to deal with negative emotions when they arise.When I entered the University I gt to know that people,situations or even environments must get your emotions all flared up.You’ll find yourself always being sad so from taking walks (a new activity I learned, thanks hobnobs) to listening to music or isolating myself when I can, I have gotten better at handling these things. I also noticed ideas for a write up flow during that time and I capitalise on it by making drafts. This write up, in fact, is a product of one of such — a mix of overwhelming emotions.
There are times these do not work, of course. At such times, I am forced to tackle the root cause especially since I will rather walk away from such situations. When I can, I have discussions with whoever triggered the emotion with their actions- if I have successfully identified someone as the trigger. This helps me get a hang of the situation and lightens up my mood afterwards so there would be no space for enemity.
I will continue with those ways to prevent such from happening and better finding more ways to tackle negative emotions.

If you do have other ways of tackling negative emotions , please share with us in the comments section so we can update my minds more.


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